Wild Jacewock Class: Demon Hunter Format: Wild 1x (1) Double Jump 2x (1) Felscream Blast 1x (1) Final Showdown 2x (1) Illidari Studies 2x (1) Mana Burn 2x (1) Sigil of Alacrity 1x (1) Tuskpiercer 2x (2) Fel Barrage 2x (2) Immolation Aura 1x (2) Spectral Sight 2x (3) Acrobatics 1x (3) Augmented Elekk 1x (3) Eye Beam 2x (4) Glide 2x (4) Guild Trader 1x (4) Persistent Peddler 2x (5) Need for Greed 1x (5) Queen Azshara 1x (5) Zai, the Incredible 1x (8) Jace DarkweaverĪAEBAaOtBAr1gAPW0QPR3QP97QP39gOL9wON9wO0oATsoATbuQQK8skD3dMD+dUDx90D2d4D8+MDifcDivcDxfkDyIAEAA= To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone The other deck is just standard version of Fel DH, with QL package left from recent expansions (Tusk + Sigil + Peddler + Tradeable package) and etc You usually wanna complete the QL, and get to do Elekk + Glide when Zai is in your hand (can be any time, just not when Kurtrus the QL reward is in hand, you wanna play that ASAP), after that you get both Zais in hand and start copying them together (Zai copies Zai alongside another card, you can basically go infinite with any other card, in this case it’s Jace OR another fel spell you wanna fuel up Jace with (Usually Mana Burn in this case))

I’m a huge fan of both QL DH and Jace, and so I made this deck that makes Jace function like Shudderwock basically Let us leave that to other topics, thank you."

I realize players, right now, feel that successful homebrewing is near-impossible. (Disclaimer: Please refrain from commenting negatively. If you are having fun and/or success with a hombrew, please share it with us here. Lastly, we have Kazakusan as another win condition, which you should probably save toward the end of the match, if you need it.Īside from that, the purpose of this topic is quite clear. Faelin and dredging pirates are an alternative to have continued pressure. Try and avoid discovering any other fire spells because you’ll want Magister to recast Amulet. Ultimately overwhelming the opponent with Balinda, and Drakfire Amulets. Be smart in your discoveries, because Magister will recast them. The idea here is to discover spells for the given situation. And so I tried refining it on this account, in which I have all standard cards. This deck started on my new account that I put together due to lack of cards. Pirate Dragon Mage Pirate Dragon Mage Class: Mage Format: Standard Year of the Hydra 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep 2x (2) Faerie Dragon 2x (2) Spellcoiler 2x (2) Tuskarrrr Trawler 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain 2x (3) Pandaren Importer 2x (3) Venomous Scorpid 2x (3) Vulpera Scoundrel 1x (4) Ambassador Faelin 1x (4) Blademaster Okani 2x (4) Deepwater Evoker 2x (4) Multicaster 2x (5) Cobalt Scalebane 1x (6) Balinda Stonehearth 1x (7) Magister Dawngrasp 1x (8) Kazakusan 1x (9) Kalecgos 2x (10) Drakefire AmuletĪAECAePxBAagigT/ogSEsATHsgSbyQTv0wQMlugDyfkDk4EEqIEE+qwEqbME3LkEssEEnNQEqdQEqtQEl6QFAA= To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Click on “Pirate Dragon Mage” to view the deck list below. Any and all advice given for the particular deck(s) you add would be appreciated.

And so, please, post any homebrews (or otherwise interesting decks) here. One of my favorite aspects of Hearthstone is finding innovative decks to analyze, and evaluating these decks’ potentials.